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The Purpose of this research work is to analyse various intrinsic and
extrinsic factors of motivation that impacts performance of employees at work
Intrinsic factors lie within employees in terms of how they feel about
the job. External factors refer to surroundings in which employees work. These
factors play an important role in increasing the efficiency and performance of
the employees.
The major objectives of this research work is-
To understand and analyse intrinsic factors of motivation that have
influence on employee performance at work.
To understand and analyse various extrinsic factors of motivation that
influences employee performance at work place
To understand and analyse the impact of employee motivation on their
performance at work.
Motivation plays an important
role when it comes to increase efficiency, productivity and effectiveness of
the organisation. If employees are motivated at work place, they contribute
best of their performance to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Poor
motivation level of employees do not impact performance level of employees but
also lead to frustration and dissatisfaction among them which in turn reduces
capability of an organisation to optimize their resources and generate profit and
company starts facing problems such as huge employee turnover, absenteeism,
poor safety practices and over all deteoriation of health of the organisation.
This project work is
focused on analyzing various intrinsic and extrinsic factors that impact employee
motivation level at work place. Impact of motivation on employee performance
has also been analysed to understand the importance of motivated employees at
work place. Research methodology adopted is descriptive in nature. Convenience
sample has been used where a sample of 100 respondents have been taken from
Delhi NCR region to analyse factors impacting motivation and impact of
motivation on employee performance. A structured questionnaire survey has been
done to collect primary data. SPSS and MS Excel software has been used to
perform statistical analysis such as mean and standard deviation analysis,
correlation analysis, regression analysis and reliability test to analyse the
data and find significant relationship among factors taken into consideration
for employee motivation and impact of motivation on employee performance.
Result indicates that extrinsic and intrinsic factors of motivation impacts
performance of employees at work place. Positive correlation has been found
among intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivation and employee performance.
The same result has been found for impacts of employee motivation and employee
Keywords: Motivation, employee performance,
intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation performance.
Motivation is creating willingness in the employees to give their best at
work place. It refers to stimulating the urge to make people do something as
desired. Every organisation wants to remain competitive in the market in order
to survive and grow in this cut throat competitive environment which is only
possible when an organisation has motivated employees at their work place.
Motivated employees not only contributes their best to the organisation but
also takes initiative to bring necessary changes in the organisation to
accomplish organisational goals more effectively and efficiently and adopt
changes as per the requirements of the market.
Motivation can be intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic factors of
motivation relates to internal feeling and attitude of the employees towards
organisation, job and people at their work place. Intrinsic
motivation energies people to perform task, take challenging jobs and learn new
things. Extrinsic motivation is driven by external factors such as external
rewards, relationship with boss and peers etc. employee motivation has direct
influence on their performance at work place. If an employee is positively
motivated, s/he contributes best to the fulfillment of goals of the
factors such as recognition and appreciation received at work place, continuous
evaluation, monitoring and continuous feedback, just and fair treatment,
autonomy and empowerment, authority and responsibility assigned to employees
etc impact level of employee motivation at work place. Extrinsic factors such
as reward and compensation, communication effectiveness, relationship with
manager, leadership style in the organisation, surroundings in which employees
work, promotional opportunities have impact on employee motivation. High level
of motivation reduces absenteeism, employee turnover, and stress level at work
place and increase new learning; follow up of safety measures and efficiency of
employees. Companies must evaluate intrinsic and extrinsic factors that
influence motivation level of employees at work place to keep them motivated,
trustworthy and loyal to the organisation, else company has to face multiple
issues which will reduce productivity and efficiency of the organisation.
Extrinsic motivation requires a purpose between the activity and the consequences of the work which may be tangible or the satisfaction that comes from the extrinsic results to which the activity leads and not from the activity itself. (Dec & Ryan, 2000) The attitude of an employee towards a job is determined by the benefits that are attached towards the completion of an action. These rewards can be monetary, nonmonetary or incentives and encourage the employees to perform as is required. (Chaudhary, 2012)
To date, the most crucial extrinsic motivating factor is money. (Obasan, 2011 )Monetary compensations are the most important tools to motivate employees towards higher performance.(Dec & Ryan, 2000)
Tangible rewards such as pay, bonuses, promotion are used to motivate employees who in turn increase their productivity and benefits the organisation. (Dec & Ryan, 2000)
Vroom conducted an empirical study on an oil refinery worker to identify theirole of rewards in influencing employee motivation . At the end of the study it was observed that the workers may be satisfied with their wages but when they discovered that their peers were paid more than them they were easily dissatisfied. This proved that to keep the employees motivated, they must be paid higher salaries to keep them motivated. (Locke & Latham, 2007)
Providing fringe benefits to the employees is consequently cheaper to achieve. Providing these benefits amplifies the performance of the employees. The benefits can later become an alternative to salary. (Baughman, et al., 2003)
The reward shape towards the benefits that employees obtain from their work (Kaleberg, 977) and the other crucial parts of a worker job approach such as employee performance, incentive and business assurance (Kressler, 2004). Employees work in organisation with their skills and attain the desired goals and in return good working conditions. The provisions of providing fringe benefits enhance their productivity and efficiency towards the completion of their goals. (Mottaz, 988)
Job environment is a complex operational surrounding comprising of-
• Peripheral aspect made up of the physical environment.
• Individual physical characteristics.
• Type of work being carried out. (Bratton, 2012)
The work group or the people an individual employee works with also serve as a source of motivation. By providing group members with opportunities to interact with each other and f lls the need for social interaction. If the co-workers have values or attitudes that causes less disruptions on a daily basis and a stronger source of motivation by providing confirmation of an employee’s self-efficacy. (Ayo & Olusey , 2009)
A good leadership from the management will motivate the employees to do their right thing and which can be achieved if only the employees trust their managers and look up to them for guidance and higher levels of morality and motivation . (Rukhman , et al., 2010)
There should be proper dissemination of information and information must be readily available to the employees, thus promoting efficiency by maintaining transparency. Availability of same information to everyone keeps a healthy competitive spirit among the employees. (Jang & Ch ang, 2008)
Employees should have good relations with their managers as it fosters employee motivation . It helps them with their problems pertaining to their jobs, feedback about their performance and a healthy communication which avoids any type of misunderstandings. (Tella, 2007)
Job enrichment is a job redesign technique that gives the employees the autonomy to choose as to how they perform their job responsibilities, thus giving them more authority over themselves. These make the employees more efficient and eliminate redundant tasks and improving their own performance and increas ng their productivity and reducing turnover. On the other hand, this may also cause dissatisfaction among the employees as with increased responsibility and autonomy they may expect higher levels of pay or incentives and failure to meet their expectations may cause frustration. (Whittaker, 2008)
Lack of favourable working conditions such as temperature, hygiene, working hours, ventilation and noise can badly affect am employee’s physical and mental well-being and adversely affect his/ her motivation . (Feldman & Arnold, 996) f the working conditions are either too extreme or too favourable, most of the employees will take this for granted. (Buskist & ronis, 2008)
Intrinsic motivation includes factors of motivation such as interest, personal enjoyment and commitment to work. intrinsic motivation includes the inherent satisfaction that is derived from the doing of an activity rather than for some separable benefit derived from the activity. (Dec & Ryan, 2000)
An employee’s motivation is affected by the promotional opportunities that is available for the employee. Promotion is perceived as the ultimate achievement by the employees and makes them extremely satisfied. Employees will be motivated and satisfied if the organisation provides them promotion and also the factors responsible for facilities, skills and ability. (Turky ilmaz, et al., 2011)
Globally around seventy five percent of the employees in comparison to other factors n their preference l st preferred to keep their jobs, making job security a determinant factor due to econom c reasons. (Arnold & Feldman, 1985)
Intrinsic motivation s the motivation that is derived from engaging n one’s own work not out of compulsion or obl gat on but for the satisfaction or pleasure derived from performing the work. Employees motivated by intrinsic factors require intangible rewards such as recognition and they are motivated from the work more than the benefits derived from the work. (Chaudhary, 20 2)
There is an inverse relationship between motivation and absenteeism of the employee. In case of high motivation the absenteeism is low and vice versa. Absenteeism is viewed as a mean to avoid stressful situations. (Luthans, 1995)
Absenteeism can cost the organ sat ons a lot of money due to the nonattendance of the employees. One of the underlying reason for absenteeism is low employee motivation . (Agu Ilar & Vlosky, 2009).
There isn’t much research to establ sh a relationship between motivation and productivity. However there i s consensus that increased amount of motivation and being motivated for a longer period of time leads to increased productivity. (Wigfield & Wentzel, 2009)
When employees perce ve that the intrinsicand extrinsic rewards are contingent upon their productivity, then high productivity leads to motivation . Also when extrinsic rewards are distributed equally then they show high productivity which also leads to motivation . (Wajid & Muhammad, 2013)
Skill variety is the extent to which a particular jobs requires different set of competencies of the employee to carry it out. (Jackson & Math s, 2011 ) The more skills are involved in performing a job, the more meaningful it becomes for the employee. By performing in a job with high skill diversity and expertise may develop a sense of competency among the employees. (Dockel, et al., 2006)
Empowerment is def ned as allowing and encouraging the employees to take personal initiative and responsibility for any amelioration that is a result of their execution of their assigned work and also contributing to the organisation’s overall objective. (Kernaghan & Clutterback, 994)
It can be also defined as delegation of authority that is done by the managers to their employee. (Sibson, 1994) Employee empowerment gives the employees a control and autonomy over their work which makes them enjoy their work more. (Robb ns & Judge, 20 3)
More than half of their respondents of a study conducted by Sibson said their motivation for work and job satisfaction comes from the feeling of control over their work and making decisions independently. (Sibson, 1994)
The need for recognition makes the employees do more work than they would do normally due to their intrinsic need for the psychological rewards associated with do ng a job well. This type of motivation drives an employee on a day level rather than any other tangible rewards. A study conducted on Pakistan commercial banks to examines their relationship between employee motivation and rewards established that recognition correlates significantly (0.65) with employee work motivation . (Kamalian, et al., 2010)
Total life space is a new concept which throws light on the fact that employees want to balance their work and home. They expect a reasonable amount of work which doesn’t interfere with their personal and social l fe. (Khan, et al., 2010)
Employees wish to engage in meaningful work that gives them a feeling of pride and accomplishment. The outcomes and distinctiveness is important for people who wish to engage in meaningful work and gives them a sense of purpose. (Yaseen, 2013)
Job engagement means the investment of an employee’s mental, cognitive, physical and emotional energies into performing their job. Highly engaged employees have higher productivity levels, lower turnover and fewer safety incidents than less engaged employees in the organisation. Highly successful organisations have more number of engaged employees than in average organisations. (Robbins & Judge, 2013)
Turnover is def ned as the process in which the employees who have left the organisation are replaced. Turnover, like absenteeism costs organisation a lot of money due to recruitment and training costs associated with it. Excessive turnover reduces the productivity of the organisation. (Westover, 2010)
Though according to a research by Van and Adon s , some employees, however demotivated they are by their present job, they cannot mag ne themselves working at some other place. (Adon s & Wyk, 2008)
Low motivation levels d scourage people about performing their jobs. This discouragement makes them inattentive and they pay less attention to the job at hand. The lack of attention makes them predi sposed to accidents and can be a cause of safety. (Wigfield & Wentzel, 2009)
A study conducted on classroom teachers in Hong Kong showed that those individual who were dissatisfied with their work neglected the safety practices. (Wing-Tung & Chung-Lim, 2006)
Extrinsic motivation refers to tangible rewards such as pay, fringe benefits, work environment, work conditions, and job security. Extrinsic motives cannot only be satisfied by the work itself. That means pleasure comes from something the task leads to, such as money.
As according to (Kali mullah et al, 2010) the effects of work, as well as contributing factors are also of importance for the need satisfaction. As a result, work is seen as a means to pursue other motives.
No one works for free, nor should they. Employees want to earn reasonable salary/payment and employees des re their employers to feel that s what they are getting. Money is the fundamental inducement, no other incentive or motivation al technique comes even close to it with respect to its influent al value. It has the supremacy to magnetize, retain and motivate individuals towards higher performance. Frederick Taylor and his scientific management associate described money as the most fundamental factor n motivating the industrial workers to attain greater productivity (Abadi,etal.,2011).
The evidence that “good management” plays a part in affecting employee motivation puts a responsibility on both the managers and the supervisors in the organization. Management needs ion employee motivation n order to make sound decisions, both in preventing and solving employee problems .A typical method used s employee motivation surveys, also known as a morale, op n on, attitude, or quality-of-work life survey. An employee motivation survey is a procedure by which employees report their feelings towards their jobs and work environment. Individual responses are then combined and analyzed (Yazdan et al2011 ).
Intrinsic motivation is the desire of an individual to perform his/her work well, in order to achieve the satisfaction of intrinsic needs. In other words, an individual performs a task in order to achieve certain types of internal states, which he/she experiences as intrinsic motivation relates to psychological rewards such as their recognition of a task completed. External rewards such as food, money, praise, and so on, are not the ma n reason for a person to engage in activities . Intrinsic motives can be satisfied by the work itself. In other words, the task itself is the ma n source of motivation , since it provides interest, stimulation, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth and achievement to the individual. Intrinsically motivated behavior is the one that is determined by an individual's need for feeling competent and self-determining. On the one hand, a person will seek out challenges that allow him/her to behave in ways that provide him/her with a sense of competence and self-determination (Matthew et al 2009).
Extrinsic motivators include parental expectations, expectations of other trusted role models, earning potent al to enroll in a course later and good grades.
According to Benabou and Tirole (2003), extrinsic motivation promotes effort and performance with rewards serving as positive reinforces for the des red behavior.
Extrinsic motivation typically produces immediate results and requires less effort in comparison to intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Dec , 2000). The down side of it is that extrinsic motivators can often distract students from true independent learning. Another problem with extrinsic motivators that they typically do not work over the long term. Once, their rewards are removed, students lose their motivation (DeLong & Winter, 2002). As extrinsically motivated, students tend to focus on earning higher grades and obtaining rewards,
Biehler and Snowman ( 990) believed that extrinsic motivational factors can diminish students’ intrinsic motivation . Such observation has also been reported by Bain (2004) who concluded that extrinsic rewards have negative impacts on intrinsic motivation . Gender differences in the motivation to learn science has attracted much attention during the last decade (Eccles & Blumenfield, 985; Greene & DeBacker, 2004; Greenfield, 998; Morrell & Lederman, 998).
According to Osuagwa (Osuagwa, 2002), employee performance is effected by job security and motivation to work is directly proportional to job security. Job security changes the negative work behaviors and the thought of leaving the job and hence functions as an important motivational tool. (Arnold & Feldman, 985) In the current global economy with its prevailing competitive environment, firms frequently determine that their employees are their overall most useful resource. Firms’ organization structures are heavily dependent on employees, which influence the organization through their engagement, attitudes and motivation . (Bruzel us & Skärvad, 2004)
The future of corporations are in the hand of people acting on behalf of the company as employees, and the importance of human resources have been brought to centre stage, more than ever before (Bhattecharya & Mukherjee, 2009).
Whiteley (2002) describes that all people are concerned with motivation to some extent and one thing that all employees have i n common is the fact that higher motivation increase performance. However, to get employees to outperform during all conditions s one of the most difficult challenges managers are facing (Nohria, Groysberg & Lee, 2008).
Bruzel us and Skärvad (2004) argue that to get employees motivated to work more efficiently and to support the company’s values and goals, they need to get compensated through rewards. Their reward structure should encourage skilled employees to stay with n the organization as well as increase the motivation and commitment to the organization and therefore increase the productivity. (Brickley et al, 2002)
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
The Purpose of this research work is to analyse various intrinsic and
extrinsic factors of motivation that impacts performance of employees at work
Intrinsic factors lie within employees in terms of how they feel about
the job. External factors refer to surroundings in which employees work. These
factors play an important role in increasing the efficiency and performance of
the employees.
The major objectives of this research work is-
To understand and analyse intrinsic factors of motivation that have
influence on employee performance at work.
To understand and analyse various extrinsic factors of motivation that
influences employee performance at work place
To understand and analyse the impact of employee motivation on their
performance at work.
Keeping in view the objectives of research objective, impact of
motivational factors on employee performance has been analysed using
exploratory research methodology. Primary data has been collected using structured
Questionnaire. In this survey method a questionnaire is given to the respondent
to be duly filled. The questionnaire is provided to respondents under my
guidance, who are then expected to read, understand and write down the reply in
the space meant for answering various questions in the questionnaire itself.
Secondary data has been collected from various journals, magazines, internet
and various books.
Independent and dependent variables considered under
study includes-
factors have been considered as independent variable which has been categorized
1. Extrinsic motivational factors
2. Intrinsic Motivational factors
Dependent variable considered for this
research work is -
Performance of employees at work
A structured questionnaire including independent and dependent variables
of study has been prepared to collect data for this research work. Questions
related to demographic profile of respondents have been included in first part
of the questionnaire. The second part of questionnaire contains statements on
seven extrinsic and seven intrinsic factors of motivation. Six questions
related to impact of motivational factors on employee performance have also been
included. Questions included in second part of questionnaire have been based on
5 Point Likert scale- 1 being strongly agree and 5 being strongly disagreed.
alpaha value calculated for employee motivation and factors impacting employee
motivation is 0.952, which is considered as excellent and indicates that
variables taken into consideration are internally consistent and reliable.
The total sample size considered for this research
work is 100 respondents.
sample design used in this project is non probability (convenience) sampling.
Respondents selected for
this research work have been working in different companies
at different job positions in Delhi NCR.
MS Excel and SPSS software has been used to process
analyse and interpret the data collected from questionnaire Survey. Mean and
Standard deviation table, Pie Charts, Bar Graphs and pictorial analysis has
been made to understand the result in better way. Correlation and regression
analysis has been to understand and analyse the relationship between depend
variable and independent variable considered under this research work.
4.1 Demographic profile analysis of respondents
of 100 respondents, 32 % respondents are in the age group between 25 to 35
years, 39 % in 35 to 45 years and 29 % in above 45 years age group. 54 %
respondents are male and 46 % respondents are female, which implies a good mix
of gender and will help to avoid gender biasness in the research study and
analysis. Respondents from different educational backgrounds have been
considered. 19 % respondents are Graduate, 48 % are Post Graduate, 28 % respondents
are professionals and 5 % belong to other educational background.
4.2 Mean and Standard deviationAnalysis
4.2.1Motivational factors (Independent variable)
Extrinsic motivational factors
(Table 4.2.1A)
Extrinsic factors |
Mean |
SD |
EXT1 |
1.94 |
0.972553 |
EXT2 |
2.1 |
1.058873 |
EXT3 |
2.24 |
1.146977 |
EXT4 |
2.23 |
1.170815 |
EXT5 |
1.86 |
1.063822 |
EXT6 |
1.86 |
1.015237 |
EXT7 |
2.18 |
1.122587 |
EXT Average |
2.058571 |
1.078695 |
EXT1 |
compensation offered by my company impacts my level of motivation at work. |
EXT2 |
style adopted at my organisation impacts my motivation level to perform. |
EXT3 |
Degree of Job
enrichment at work place impacts my motivation level. |
EXT4 |
of communication to make information available in my company impacts my
motivation level. |
EXT5 |
environment at my work place impacts my motivation level |
EXT6 |
between me and my Boss impacts my motivation level. |
EXT7 |
opportunities in my organisation impact my motivation level. |
Average |
Grand mean and
standard deviation of extrinsic factors |
If mean value of data
is less than 2.5, it indicates that respondents agree with the statement being
asked in the questionnaire. Standard deviation indicates level of variation in
the responses collected from respondents. While analyzing overall mean and
standard deviation of independent variable considered it has been found that Overall
mean and standard deviation of extrinsic factors considered is 2.058 and 1.078
respectively which indicates that extrinsic factors of motivation influences
performance level of employees at work.
4.2.2Motivational factors (Independent variable)
Intrinsic motivational factors (Table 4.2.2A)
Intrinsic factors |
Mean |
SD |
INT1 |
2.12 |
1.094338 |
INT2 |
2.07 |
0.987344 |
INT3 |
2.27 |
1.162156 |
INT4 |
2.11 |
1.153782 |
INT5 |
2.28 |
1.064392 |
INT6 |
2.11 |
1.109145 |
INT7 |
2.15 |
1.085953 |
INT Average |
2.158571 |
1.093873 |
INT1 |
and appreciation for my contribution to organisation improves my motivation
level to do job |
INT2 |
Knowledge, skills
and attitude required to perform my job impacts my motivation level. |
INT3 |
evaluation, monitoring and Constant feedback on my performance influences my
motivation level. |
INT4 |
I feel more
motivated when I am treated just and fair at my work place. |
INT5 |
Autonomy and
empowerment at work place motivates me to perform my job well. |
INT6 |
Degree of
responsibility and authority assigned to me impacts my motivation level at
work. |
INT7 |
I am more
motivated to perform my job when degree of trust exhibited at the workplace
is commendable. |
Average |
Grand mean and
standard deviation of intrinsic factors |
If mean value of data
is less than 2.5, it indicates that respondents agree with the statement being
asked in the questionnaire. Standard deviation indicates level of variation in
the responses collected from respondents. While analyzing overall mean and
standard deviation of independent variable considered it has been found that Overall
mean and standard deviation of intrinsic factors considered is 2.058 and 1.078
respectively which indicates that intrinsic factors of motivation influences
performance level of employees at work.
4.2.3Motivationalfactors (Dependent variable)
Employee Performance at work place
(Table 4.2.3A)
Employee performance |
Mean |
SD |
EP1 |
1.81 |
1.021931228 |
EP2 |
1.7 |
0.948150779 |
EP3 |
1.9 |
0.881917104 |
EP4 |
2.32 |
1.19662826 |
EP5 |
1.77 |
0.9084897 |
EP6 |
2.27 |
1.162155782 |
EP Average |
1.9325 |
1.012156842 |
EP1 |
Degree of
motivation at work place has direct impact on reduction in absenteeism. |
EP2 |
Degree of
motivation has direct impact on your work efficiency and productivity. |
EP3 |
impacts level of turnover in the organisation. |
EP4 |
safety practices are directly influenced by motivational level of employees
at work. |
EP5 |
Level of
stress exhibited by employees at work place is directly impacted by level of
motivation at work place. |
EP6 |
Learning new
job tasks in the organisation can be attributed to motivation of employees |
Average |
Grand mean and
standard deviation of dependent variable factors |
Mean and standard deviation of employee performance calculated is 1.93 and 1.01
respectively, which is less than mean value of 2.5 and standard deviation of
1.5. Result indicates that respondents agree that their performance at work is influenced by motivation level required to
perform job assigned to them. Also if standard deviation is added to mean,
value will be close to 3 which indicates that respondents do not disagree with
the statement that employee performance is impacted by motivation level at
4.3.1 Correlation Analysis of Dependent andIndependent variables
There is strong positive correlation among dependent
variable and independent variables. Highest correlation has been found between
extrinsic factors of motivation and employee performance correlation being
0.892.correlation between intrinsic factors of motivation and employee
performance is not too less than correlation between extrinsic factors and
performance of employees. Correlation between intrinsic motivational factors
and employee performance is 0.862. Result indicates that extrinsic factors of
motivation and intrinsic factors of motivation have strong influence on
performance of employees at work. Since significance value is less than 0.05,
it also supports the result.
There is positive
correlation among all extrinsic factors taken into consideration for this
research work. Highest correlation among factors of extrinsic motivation has
been found between ‘Degree of Job enrichment at work place
impacts my motivation level’ and ‘Relationship between me and my Boss impacts
my motivation level’ correlation being 0.634.
Analyzing correlation between factors of extrinsic
motivation and employee performance, it has been found that all factors
considered under extrinsic motivation and employee performance has moderate to
strong positive correlation. Highest correlation has been found between ‘Work
environment at my work place impacts my motivation level’ and ‘Performance of
employees at work place’ correlation being 0.807.
There is positive
correlation among all intrinsic factors taken into consideration for this
research work. Highest correlation among factors of intrinsic motivation has
been found between ‘I feel more motivated when I am treated
just and fair at my work place’ and ‘Degree of responsibility and authority
assigned to me impacts my motivation level at work’ correlation being 0.722.
Highest correlation has been found between ‘I feel
more motivated when I am treated just and fair at my work place’ and
‘Performance of employees at work place’ correlation being 0.785.
There is positive
correlation among all factors of employee performance taken into consideration
for this research work. Highest correlation among factors of Employee performance
has been found between ‘Motivation impacts level of turnover in
the organisation’ and ‘Employee safety practices are directly influenced by
motivational level of employees at work’ correlation being 0.733.
correlation between factors of employee performance and intrinsic motivation,
it has been found that all factors considered under performance of employees
and intrinsic motivation has moderate to strong positive correlation. Highest
correlation has been found between ‘Motivation impacts level of turnover in the
organisation’ and ‘intrinsic motivation’ correlation being 0.877.
Analyzing correlation between factors of employee
performance and extrinsic motivation, it has been found that all factors
considered under performance of employees and extrinsic motivation has moderate
to strong positive correlation. Highest correlation has been found between
‘Motivation impacts level of turnover in the organisation’ and ‘extrinsic
motivation’ correlation being 0.786.
In model 1, extrinsic
motivation has been considered as independent variable and employee performance
has been taken as dependent variable. The model suggests that extrinsic
motivation can explain 76 % variability in dependent variable that is
performance of employees, since value of R2 is 0.76. If adjusted R2
is considered, extrinsic motivation can explain 75.8 % variability in employee
In model 2, intrinsic
motivation has been considered as independent variable and employee performance
has been taken as dependent variable. The model suggests that intrinsic
motivation can explain 74.3 % variability in dependent variable that is performance
of employees, since value of R2 is 0.76. If adjusted R2
is considered, extrinsic motivation can explain 74 % variability in employee
model 3, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation has been considered as
independent variable and employee performance has been taken as dependent
variable. The model suggests that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation taken
together can explain 79.4 % variability in dependent variable that is
performance of employees, since value of R2 is 0.794. If adjusted R2
is considered, they together can explain 79 % variability in employee
While analyzing overall
mean and standard deviation of independent variable considered it has been
found that Overall mean and standard deviation of extrinsic factors considered
is 2.058 and 1.078 respectively which indicates that extrinsic factors of
motivation influences performance level of employees at work.
Respondents agree that monetary
compensation offered companies impacts their motivation level at work place. Monetary
compensation offered by companies to their employees is an important
determinant in shaping motivation level of employees. Companies must offer fair
remuneration to its employees irrespective of their job profile to keep
employees happy and motivated at this front.
level to perform is impacted by leadership style adopted in the organisation.
Hence companies must be cautious to decide over leadership style to be adopted
in the organisation to keep employees motivated at work place.
agree that job enrichment impacts their motivation level at work place.
Companies must conduct work load analysis before enriching any job profile;
else employees will get demotivated and will not be able to deliver their best
to the organisation.
agree to an extent that communication must be effective to share information
has an influence on their motivation level. Companies must communicate
information with employees in the manner most appropriate and suited to the
situation to keep employees motivated at work place.
is a huge impact of surroundings in which they work on their motivation level
at work place. Companies must keep work environment friendly, hygienic and
supporting towards employees to keep their motivation level high.
find good relationship with their boss an influencing factor in maintaining
motivation level at work. Manager must maintain just and fair relationship with
their subordinates to keep them motivated.
opportunities have been a critical factor in evaluating motivation level of
employees in the organisation. Companies must provide promotional opportunities
to competent and deserving employees to keep motivation level high in the
Overall mean and
standard deviation of intrinsic factors considered is 2.058 and 1.078
respectively which indicates that intrinsic factors of motivation influences
performance level of employees at work.
Respondents find appreciation and
recognition at work place for their contribution in the organization has an
influence on motivation of employee. Companies keep on appreciating their
employees and give them recognition for their contribution to the organization
to keep employees motivated at work place.
skills and attitude for performing job has been considered as an influencing
and critical factor in keeping motivation level high of the employees at work
place. Companies must keep on updating KSA and do job analysis on regular basis
and provide necessary training to employees at work to help them to perform
their task effectively and keep their motivation level high.
Respondents believe and agree that constant
feedback, continuous evaluation and monitoring influences their motivation
level at work place. Companies’ must keep on continuously evaluating,
monitoring and giving feedback to the employees about their performance so that
will remain motivated and happy with the organizational culture.
get positively motivated at work place when they are treated just and fair by
their managers. Managers in the organization must keep healthy relationship
with their subordinates and treat them fairly to keep them motivated at work
and autonomy is utmost required at work place to keep employees motivated.
Companies must render autonomy to its employees where ever possible and also
empower them while performing their job to keep them motivated and improve
their productivity level.
Respondents agree and find responsibility assigned
and authorities delegated influence them to perform their task at work place. Respondents’
motivation level is influenced by authority and responsibility assigned to
employees in the organization, companies must assign responsibility and
delegate authorities by maintaining equilibrium between responsibility assigned
and authorities delegated so that employees remain comfortable and fulfill the
objectives of the organization without having stress and frustration.
Respondents find that degree of trust shown must be
commendable to keep their motivation level high at work place. Companies should
trust on their employees and their ability to perform task assigned to them.
This will serve as a booster to employees and keep them motivated to give their
100 % contribution towards fulfillment of organizational goals.
indicates that respondents agree that their performance at work is influenced by motivation level required to
perform job assigned to them.
employees remain positively motivated at work place then it will reduce
absenteeism in the organization. They find motivation as a critical factor to
reduce absenteeism in the organization. Less will be the level of motivation;
higher will be the absenteeism in the organization. Hence companies must take
active steps to keep their employees motivated to reduce absenteeism in the
find a positive relationship between motivation and their productivity and
efficiency. They agree that motivation is crucial when it comes to increase
their efficiency and productivity to perform task. Their efficiency and
productivity increases if they are motivated to perform task assigned to them.
feel and agree that if company wants to reduce turnover rate, then it has to
work on keeping their employees motivate, else turnover will keep on
increasing. Hence companies must work on keeping motivation level of employees
high at work place if they want to control attrition in their organization.
agree to an extent that motivation directly impacts employee safety practices
in the organization. Employee safety measures are very important to be executed
in every organization. It can lead to hazardous result to the organization if
employees do not follow or restrict. Companies must take necessary step to persuade
employees to compliance with safety standards required to be followed in the
organization. Since motivation impacts it, hence must take active steps in
order to ensure high motivation level of employees at work place.
find motivation as an important factor which influences stress employees face
at work place. Higher the motivation, less will be work stress to employees
suggest that companies must take necessary measure to reduce stress level of
employees by keeping them motivated.
Getting training to
learn new jobs is determined by employee motivation level in the organization. Motivation
influences desire of learning new task at work place. Companies must keep on
making action plan to evaluate caliber of each and every employee and train
them to learn new thing in an environment that satisfies them and help them to
increase motivation level of employees with regard to learning new things.
correlation has been found between extrinsic factors of motivation and employee
performance correlation being 0.892.correlation between intrinsic factors of
motivation and employee performance is not too less than correlation between
extrinsic factors and performance of employees. Correlation between intrinsic
motivational factors and employee performance is 0.862. Result indicates that
extrinsic factors of motivation and intrinsic factors of motivation have strong
influence on performance of employees at work. Since significance value is less
than 0.05, it also supports the result.
There is positive correlation
among all extrinsic factors taken into consideration for this research work.
Highest correlation among factors of extrinsic motivation has been found
between ‘Degree of Job enrichment at work place impacts my
motivation level’ and ‘Relationship between me and my Boss impacts my
motivation level’ correlation being 0.634.
Analyzing correlation between factors of extrinsic
motivation and employee performance, it has been found that all factors
considered under extrinsic motivation and employee performance has moderate to
strong positive correlation. Highest correlation has been found between ‘Work
environment at my work place impacts my motivation level’ and ‘Performance of
employees at work place’ correlation being 0.807.
There is positive
correlation among all intrinsic factors taken into consideration for this
research work. Highest correlation among factors of intrinsic motivation has
been found between ‘I feel more motivated when I am treated
just and fair at my work place’ and ‘Degree of responsibility and authority
assigned to me impacts my motivation level at work’ correlation being 0.722.
Analyzing correlation between factors of intrinsic
motivation and employee performance, it has been found that all factors
considered under intrinsic motivation and employee performance has moderate to
strong positive correlation. Highest correlation has been found between ‘I feel
more motivated when I am treated just and fair at my work place’ and
‘Performance of employees at work place’ correlations being 0.785.
There is positive
correlation among all factors of employee performance taken into consideration
for this research work. Highest correlation among factors of Employee
performance has been found between ‘Motivation impacts
level of turnover in the organisation’ and ‘Employee safety practices are
directly influenced by motivational level of employees at work’ correlation
being 0.733.
Analyzing correlation between factors of employee
performance and intrinsic motivation, it has been found that all factors
considered under performance of employees and intrinsic motivation has moderate
to strong positive correlation. Highest correlation has been found between
‘Motivation impacts level of turnover in the organisation’ and ‘intrinsic
motivation’ correlation being 0.877.
Analyzing correlation between factors of employee
performance and extrinsic motivation, it has been found that all factors
considered under performance of employees and extrinsic motivation has moderate
to strong positive correlation. Highest correlation has been found between
‘Motivation impacts level of turnover in the organisation’ and ‘extrinsic
motivation’ correlation being 0.786.
Extrinsic motivation
can explain 76 % variability in dependent variable that is performance of
employees, since value of R2 is 0.76. If adjusted R2 is
considered, extrinsic motivation can explain 75.8 % variability in employee
Intrinsic motivation
can explain 74.3 % variability in dependent variable that is performance of
employees, since value of R2 is 0.76. If adjusted R2 is
considered, extrinsic motivation can explain 74 % variability in employee
Intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation taken together can explain 79.4 % variability in dependent variable
that is performance of employees, since value of R2 is 0.794. If
adjusted R2 is considered, they together can explain 79 %
variability in employee performance.
Ø Companies
must offer fair remuneration to its employees irrespective of their job profile
to keep employees happy and motivated at this front.
Ø Companies
must be cautious to decide over leadership style to be adopted in the
organisation to keep employees motivated at work place.
Ø Companies
must conduct work load analysis before enriching any job profile, else employees
will get demotivated and will not be able to deliver their best to the
Ø Companies
must communicate information with employees in the manner most appropriate and
suited to the situation to keep employees motivated at work place.
Ø Companies
must keep work environment friendly, hygienic and supporting towards employees
to keep their motivation level high.
Ø Manager
must maintain just and fair relationship with their subordinates to keep them
Ø Companies
must provide promotional opportunities to competent and deserving employees to
keep motivation level high in the organisation.
Ø Companies
must keep on appreciating their employees and give them recognition for their
contribution to the organization to keep employees motivated at work place.
Ø Companies
must keep on updating KSA and do job analysis on regular basis and provide
necessary training to employees at work to help them to perform their task
effectively and keep their motivation level high.
Ø Companies
should trust on their employees and their ability to perform task assigned to
Ø Companies
must take active steps to keep their employees motivated to reduce absenteeism
in the organization.
Ø Companies
must take active steps to keep employees motivated in order to increase efficiency
and productivity of the organization.
Ø Companies
must work on keeping motivation level of employees high at work place if they
want to control attrition in their organization.
compensation offered by companies to their employees is an important
determinant in shaping motivation level of employees. Respondents agree that
their motivation level to perform is impacted by leadership style adopted in
the organisation. Communication must be effective to share information has an influence
on their motivation level. Respondents find surroundings in which they work
impacts their motivation level. Good relationship with boss at work place is an
influencing factor in maintaining motivation level at work. Promotional
opportunities are one of the critical factors in evaluating motivation level of
employees in the organisation.
Respondents find
knowledge, skills and attitude for performing job an influencing and critical
factor in keeping motivation level high of the employees at work place. Constant
feedback, continuous evaluation and monitoring influences motivation level of
employees at work. Respondents get positively motivated at work place when they
are treated just and fair by their managers. Motivation level is influenced by
authority and responsibility assigned to employees in the organization.
Respondents find
motivation of employees to be effective to reduce absenteeism in the
organization. Result indicates positive relationship between motivation and
productivity and efficiency of employees. Respondents feel and agree that if
company wants to reduce turnover rate, then it has to work on keeping their
employees motivate, else turnover will keep on increasing. Motivation helps in
reduction of stress employees’ face at work place.
Grand mean and standard deviation indicates that motivation
influences performance level of employees at work.
result indicates that extrinsic factors of motivation and intrinsic factors of
motivation have strong influence on performance of employees at work.
Extrinsic motivation can explain 76 % variability in
performance of employees at work place. Intrinsic motivation can explain 74.3 %
variability in performance of employees at work place. Intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation taken together can explain 79.4 % variability in employee
performance at work place.
Sample size constraint
A sample size of 100
respondents has been taken into consideration which may not proportionate with
entire population of employees and results derived may be limited to the extent
of opinions of 100 respondents taken into consideration.
Ignorance of all factors impacting motivation of
All intrinsic and
extrinsic factors impacting motivation of employees have not been taken into
consideration. Some of the most important factors impacting motivation of
employees have been considered.
This study has been
conducted with investors living in Delhi NCR. Respondents of other cities of
the country have not been considered. Results are limited to the responses of
opinions of Delhi NCR.
This work of research
will help HR professionals to resolve motivational and performance related
issues at work. They can use this research work to improve level of motivation
and performance efficiency of employees and reduction in attrition rate as
For academicians, this
research work will provide them fruitful knowledge and help them to understand
how efficiency of motivated employees helps to accomplish organisation goals.
It will also give them an insight with regard to impact of motivation on
employees’ performance and productivity at work.
For researchers, this
project will help them to explore more on extrinsic and intrinsic factors that
impacts employees’ motivation level and how motivation impacts employees’
performance at work. This project work will also serve as a basis for them to
conduct further research related to this project work and get differentiated
insights on it. It will also help them to know in advance opinions of employees
with regard to it and they can investigate and conduct in depth work related to
factors being analysed in this research work.
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